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School board approves budget resolutions

Whitehall-Coplay School Board, at its meeting Feb. 27, approved a resolution for the 2023-24 Lehigh Career and Technical Institute general operating budget of $30,704,013 and Academic Center budget of $2,330,789, with a district contribution of $2,475,535.58 for the general operating budget and $257,064 for the Academic Center budget.

In addition, the board approved the resolution for the 2023-24 Lehigh Carbon Community College operating budget in the amount of $45,329,306 and debt service/leases and capital budget in the amount of $9,875,049, with a district contribution of $450,775 for the operating budget and $105,021 for the debt service/leases and capital budget.

The board also approved the resolution for the 2023-24 Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 general operating budget of $3,499,871, with a district contribution of $56,308.

Student Council member Alexis Quach updated the board on district events and activities.

Quach said Student Council members will be signing up for Donor Drive at their next meeting, which is used to raise money for Four Diamonds Mini-THON, a charity aiming to conquer childhood cancer. Students raised $20,000 last year.

Quach said a March Madness activity period at Whitehall High School is planned for March 16. She added all four winter sports made it to district playoffs, including the boys and girls basketball, wrestling and swim teams. Spring sports, including track and field, baseball, softball and boys volleyball and tennis, begin March 6.

Quach also announced the Bands in the Round concert, featuring elementary through high school band members, was to be held Feb. 28. Elementary and high school choir students will have their chance to perform in the Voices Across Whitehall spring choir concert March 6.

Tickets for Whitehall High School Theatre’s spring musical, “9 to 5,” are currently on sale.

Quach also mentioned the Zephyr Nation prom fashion show was held Feb. 24, where students were able to show off the latest in prom fashions. She also said a spring formal will be held for WHS students March 11 and is being sponsored by the freshman class.

In other WHS news, Science Olympiad members will be competing at Kutztown University March 16, and the Scholastic Scrimmage competition will be held March 18.

In other business, the board approved the 2023-24 school year calendar and the 2023-24 school district goals. The board also reauthorized the previously approved 2022-23 school year ARP/ESSER health and safety plan.

Also at the meeting, the board approved the collective bargaining agreement between Whitehall-Coplay School District and Whitehall-Coplay Bus Drivers Association, effective April 3, 2023, through June 30, 2026.

The board approved the independent auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, as prepared by the district’s auditor, Buckno Lisicky and Company.

The board approved the Fulton Bank resolutions for Gockley, Steckel and Zephyr elementary schools and Whitehall-Coplay Middle School student activity accounts.

The board approved awarding the differential price on the diesel fuel bid to Diesel Direct Mid-Atlantic LLC and the gasoline bid to PAPCO, commencing July 1 and ending June 30, 2024. The bid was conducted jointly with Parkland School District.

In other business, the board approved the Gockley proposed district office roof restoration notice of intent to award the roof restoration contract, paid for from the capital project fund with bond proceeds.

The board approved the transportation building fire alarm system, paid for from the capital reserve fund. Additionally, the board approved the change order for site work, speed bumps, gates and traffic signs on the campus.

The next school board meeting will be 7 p.m. March 27.

Committee meetings on finance/personnel, education/student activities and operations/transportation will be held 4 p.m. March 13.