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CrossPoint Wesleyan Church: Messiah in the Passover Feb. 19

CrossPoint Wesleyan Church, 1414 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethlehem, is hosting a Messiah in the Passover event 10:15 a.m. Feb. 19.

Messiah in the Passover is a demonstration of how Jesus fulfilled the ancient feast of Passover, conducted by Ari Hauben of Chosen People Ministries.

The event begins with explaining all of the important articles on the traditional Passover Seder table. The speaker will explain the symbolic meanings of the items of the Passover feast and highlight their relationship to the Last Supper with special emphasis on the redemptive significance of the crucifixion.

Messiah in the Passover gives the Christian community insight into Jewish traditions to help better explain the Jewish roots of Christianity. This program also helps the Jewish and Christian communities understand their common heritage.

The event is open to public, with both the Christian and Jewish communities invited. A love offering will be received.

For more information, contact Dr. Anita Eastlack at 610-866-1388 or aeastlack@crosspoint.life.

Chosen People Ministries is more than 128 years old. It is an evangelical mission founded in 1894 by Leopold Cohn, a Hungarian rabbi who came to believe Jesus is the Messiah promised by the Hebrew Scriptures.

From humble beginnings in New York, Chosen People Ministries has grown into a worldwide ministry to “the Jew first and to the Gentile.”

More information can be found at chosenpeople.com.