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MAMA’S MUSINGS Slogging through

This has been a tough winter. Never mind the lack of snow. The everyday things feel crushing at times. I feel like I could use a month off. Yes, a full month. Even a couple weeks would be nice.

I found myself scowling at the sunshine the other morning. We had had several cloudy days in a row, and the sudden reappearance of the brightness was an unwelcome surprise. We have had a few mornings of very light snow dustings. Pretty, but insignificant.

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. So I suppose a nice snowstorm may still be at least possible. It has always snowed around my older son’s mid-February birthday. Hopefully this will not be the year that ends the streak.

Meanwhile, I am trying to plan little fun things for myself and my youngest to do now and then. And I am slogging my way through everything else.

When all else fails, put one foot in front of the other and repeat. And pour lots of coffee.

By Lani Goins