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MAMA’S MUSINGS Rounding up ducks By Lani Goins

I tried to get all my ducks in a row when my graduate class finished. The ducks laughed and ran away.

I have a couple more weeks before my next class begins. I have at least two more doctor’s appointments before I find out what has been wearing me down (besides stress).

I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. If I did, my resolution would be “stop stressing!”

I have an unfortunate tendency to over-think.

Finding time to study for my next course worries me. So does balancing studies, home life and writing work. I think, for instance, my non-day job time needs to be on a schedule. Never mind that every time I have tried that, things go wrong. That’s life.

The cost of groceries stresses me. Just buying the core staples is painful. But it is necessary. I just feel the increase in prices. I know most of us do.

Fire trucks parked just beyond our building this evening. As many of the buildings on our block are connected, that was concerning.

My ever-helpful adult son reminded me that if I was not looking out the window, I wouldn’t be worried about the trucks.

Good idea. And not a bad metaphor for many of my other worries. Now, if I can just round up those ducks...