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Township leaders reorganize

At the Jan. 3 reorganization meeting, the Allen Township Board of Supervisors reappointed Dale Hassler and Gary Behler as chairman and vice chairman of the board, respectively.

Ilene Eckhart was reappointed as township manager and secretary, with Yohanna Vega again serving as treasurer.

In other business, Hassler reminded attendees the board of supervisors and planning commission will meet 6 p.m. this year. The board of supervisors meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month, while the planning commission meets on the third Monday.

The board approved resolution 2023-01, which officially set the real estate tax rate at 5 mills for 2023.

Barry Isett and Associates was appointed as the township engineer, and Lincoln Treadwell was reappointed as township solicitor.

Other township employees were affirmed in their current positions, including code enforcement officer, emergency management coordinator and planning commission members.

Resolution 2023-09 appointed Eckhart as the zoning officer and Ryan Christman of Keystone Engineering as the assistant zoning officer.