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GLVWG Conference set for March 23-25

New York Times-bestselling author Maria V. Snyder is the keynote speaker for the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group’s 2023 Write Stuff Conference. The live, in-person event with virtual options is March 23-25 at the Best Western Lehigh Valley Hotel, 300 Gateway Drive, Bethlehem.

She earned a meteorology degree from Penn State and a Master of Arts degree in fiction writing from Seton Hill University. She writes fantasy and other novels about a young woman who becomes a poison taster.

She will hold two half-day workshops, “Creating Believable Villains” on March 23 and “Can You Hear Me Now? Audiobooks 101” on March 24. There are a total of four half-day programs, 14 breakout sessions, a book fair, critique opportunities, a flash fiction contest and networking. Additional participants are Kathryn Craft, Jon Gibbs, Michelle Lazurek, Dianna Sinovic, Michael Ventrella and Curtis Smith.

For speaker bios, registration, costs and program information, visit https://greaterlehighvalleywritersgroup.wildapricot.org and contact the presenter at mariavsnyder.com