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Bold returns to board


Special to The Press

Bob Bold, who served on the Parkland School Board from 1999-2019, was elected at a special meeting Jan. 3 to fill the unexpired term of Jarrett Coleman, who resigned in December 2022 to serve in the state Senate.

Bold taught in the Allentown School District for 30 years, then substitute taught for 22 years after that.

He was president of the Parkland board five times, vice president three times, and president of Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 board of directors for 10 years.

He was designated a master school board director by the PA School Boards Association.

In 2021, he was called upon to fill the unexpired term of Marie Maritch, who resigned.

Bold received the votes of board President Carol Facchiano and Directors Rob Cohen, David Hein, Jay Rohatgi, Lisa Roth, Annette Wilcox and Marisa Ziegler.

Patrick Foose voted no.

Facchiano reported the board had two options for filling the vacancy.

Residents could be invited to apply and come for interviews, or the board could appoint someone who has no interest in being a candidate in the Nov. 7, 2023, election.

The board chose the second option.

Bold’s position will be effective Jan. 3 until the first Monday in December.

Foose and several residents, who were present, expressed satisfaction with Bold’s credentials but objected to the appointment procedure.

“This decision was not made in a public session and should not be done behind closed doors,” Foose said.

Others supported the board’s action.

Audrey Ettinger offered her comments.

“Thank you for nominating Mr. Bold,” Ettinger said. “I appreciate the board could do this in a nonpartisan manner.”

Chris Pirrotta applauded Bold’s efforts and expressed “wholehearted agreement” with the appointment.

He stated the high rankings of the district at the state and federal levels “did not happen by chance.”

“These resulted from quality leadership over past decades,” Pirrotta said. “Mr. Bold is a part of that.”

Mike Millo, identified himself as a friend of Coleman.

“Mr. Bold seems like a fine individual but tonight you show you are stale and prefer the status quo,” Millo said.

Beth Whitehall Finch also addressed the board the board.

“You make decisions that are best for you,” Finch said. “It’s abundantly clear you don’t represent the children.”

Ziegler said the board is following the parameters of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the school code.

“We’re choosing someone who is exceptionally well qualified and was elected to the board through the years,” Ziegler said.

Roth displayed a copy of Bold’s Master School Board Certification.

“This was the best decision for this district at this time,” she said.

Bold was called forward from the audience to take the oath of office after the vote, and took his seat on the dais.