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Chief Kline Makes case for a tanker/pumper

For the second straight time, Upper Milford Western District Fire Company Chief Mike Kline raised the financing issue of purchasing a new tanker/pumper at the Upper Milford Board of Supervisors Dec. 15, 2022 meeting. The vehicle model under consideration has an estimated cost of $1.1 to $1.2 million.

According to Kline, if Upper Milford Township could float them a loan, they could secure a 2% state loan. The length of the loan would be 24 months, which is the estimated time for possession of the new vehicle.

The 2% state loan application, which would be a secure loan, would be filed right away. It’s funding wouldn’t begin until they acquired the new tanker/pumper.

An added possible source of revenue would be the sale of one of the company’s used vehicles. Kline reported brokers have estimated the worth of one of their vehicles at $125,000.

After explaining the details of how a compressed air/foam system helps fight fires, Kline explained he currently has one written quote and four verbal quotes for the vehicle in question.

Township Solicitor Marc Fisher requested Kline forward in writing exactly what the fire company would need from the township and why. Fisher requested to also receive details of the vehicle in question.

Kline agreed to submit an information package to the township no later than Jan. 12.

The evening also saw a discussion about the Quarry Road Bridge bid award among the supervisors.

According to Township Manager Edward Carter, bids were higher than expected, partly due to the increase in material costs since August 2022.

Addressing budget concerns, Carter explained he would keep an eye on the situation. If needed, funds could be appropriated from the capital reserves.

The bridge serves six residences.