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Zephyrs return great mixture to the mat for this wrestling season

For the Whitehall wrestling team this winter, this will be a season about the fruits of their labor.

The Zephyrs have brought a varied group of wrestlers into the 2022-23 campaign, ones that could emerge as contenders in the postseason.

“We have a great mixture of experienced wrestlers as well as inexperienced wrestlers,” said veteran head coach Tim Cunningham. “We are pretty young with only two seniors starting varsity. This bunch of wrestlers are very hard working, prepare everyday to get better and compete. This team worked extremely hard this offseason lifting 5-6 days a week and attending open wrestling 2-4 days a week.”

Senior Melquan Warren (189 pounds) arguably is the Zephyrs’ most experienced wrestler, having a trip to states last season. He was fourth at districts and third at regionals. Overall, Warren posted a 31-11 mark last season.

“Mel always has been a pleasure to coach during the season and the offseason,” added Cunningham. “He rarely misses a workout and puts in extra time.

“He is a true example of how there are no shortcuts to success, just good old fashioned hard work. Mel truly earned his placements last year, and we expect him to have a big season for us.”

Whitehall began the season with a convincing, 59-6 victory over Pleasant Valley in which six Zephyrs recorded falls.

Fellow seniors Hudson Saylor (15-14) is back at 152, and Jack Wilson will buoy between 106 and 113.

Juniors Damond (14-13) and Seth (16-12) Pascoe will be in the lineup at 121 and 145 respectively. Freshman Kade Pascoe has begun the year at 114.

The Zephyrs’ lineup is currently sprinkled with a number of freshmen and sophomores. Wilmont Kai (107), and James Hopkins (215) are first-year grapplers, while Dayvion Marshmon (127), Nolan Schmeckenbecher (133), and Preston Saylor (160) are in their second seasons with the program. Juniors Ryan Tran opened the season at 285 and Romello Leibensperger at 172.

Elijah Brito, Jack Kocher, Matt Nomie, Ruth Rivera, Kaden Weaver, and Dalton Wickel all provide some added depth through the lineup. Nomie, a freshman, was seventh in the District 11 junior high tournament last year.

The Zephyrs finished with a 9-7 dual meet record last season, and Cunningham is confident they can increase the stakes this season.

“I feel we will be a much improved team as the season progresses,” he said. “It will be through hard work and as they become more experienced.”

Mel Warren made it to states last year and returns for the Zephs this season.