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Grade: 12th grade

Family members: Wendy Kutz, Collin Kutz, Gabe Kutz, Olivia Kutz

Favorite subject(s): My favorite academic subject is science. It’s such a diverse subject with so many different areas to discover that it’s hard to get bored with; science is always changing and evolving and it’s interesting to learn about.

Activities: During school, I am involved in an after-school rehearsal group that meets every Tuesday to learn choreography for performances. Outside of school, I train at MJ Dance Center and student teach young dancers in their weekly classes.

Next steps: After high school I’m planning on going to college for a BFA in contemporary or commercial dance.

Career goals: I plan to join a professional contemporary dance company in the future and start choreographing as a career.

Heroes: My heroes are everyone who has shaped me to be the person I am today. My parents, my siblings, my friends, my classmates, my teachers, my mentors, my teammates, and everyone in between. I have learned so much from every single one of them and I don’t think I’d be where I am today without their guidance and support and for that, I am forever grateful.

Hobbies: My favorite hobby is dancing which is what I do most often. Other than that, I like hanging out with my friends and going to see local arts performances.

Current job(s): I currently work at Starbucks and I enjoy the flexible schedule and friendly environment it offers.

Volunteer/community work: I am part of the National Honors Society and the vice president of the National Highschool Society of Dance Arts, where we support our school and community with various fundraisers and events. I am also a part of the student ambassadors at my school, where I assist with auditions, open houses, and other school-related events.

Likes: My top five likes are cats, dancing, YouTube, dance pants and cotton candy ice cream

Dislikes: My top five dislikes are morning shifts, frizzy hair, driving, spaghetti, and pink tights

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.