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First Lady visits Muhlenberg College

“I’m a teacher, as well as a mom,” First Lady Dr. Jill Biden told those gathered Nov. 2 at Muhlenberg College.

“So to stay organized. I use a to-do list.”

Biden said, depending on the priority one places on the importance of voting on their to-do list, an election can be won or lost.

A tight race, such as the one between Congresswoman Susan Wild, D-7th, and challenger Lisa Sheller, could depend on a handful of votes.

Reinforcing the importance to “get out the vote” was the theme of Biden’s visit, both here in Allentown and in Pittsburgh.

Biden addressed issues which have made headlines over the last few months, including women’s rights, Social Security and affordable health care.

“Small actions start with you,” Biden told the crowd, mostly composed of local party volunteers.

She made the point that volunteering one’s time for a neighbor or relative to go to the a polling station are crucial small acts, especially where the races are going to be close.

She explained how it can be difficult for “a senior who may need a little more help.

“Will they be able to turn in their ballots?” she asked.

In tight races, a winner can be declared by a handful of votes.

That volunteering help is crucial and Biden made it clear everyone must work together to succeed.

Speaking days before the General Election, Biden also mentioned how the work was not done and she understood what party volunteers would face in the last six days of campaigning.

This was an important message of support for those working on the campaign trail as Pennsylvania has seen its share of close races over the years.

The First Lady drove home the message of the importance of going out and casting that important vote.

“The only way you can win is by showing-up … so put voting first on your to-do list,” Biden said.

Her message was met by to a round of cheering and applause from those gathered in Moyer Hall.

PRESS PHOTO BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE First Lady of the United States Dr. Jill Biden addresses party supporters in Moyer Hall, Muhlenberg College, Allentown.