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LCCC receives designation as National-Guard friendly

Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) recently received the “Guard-Friendly School” designation for 2022-’23 from the Pennsylvania National Guard Associations (PNGAS).

LCCC provides resources and support services to more than 350 active military and veteran students, spouses and dependents while they attend college. Resources include veterans’ lounges at the Schnecksville and Tamaqua campuses, preferred scheduling, scholarship opportunities and a dedicated Veterans Support Team.

The LCCC Veterans Club provides support and connections with fellow veteran and military students.

The Veteran Advisory Board ensures LCCC remains up to date on veteran-related topics.

LCCC students can join SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society that recognizes academic achievements.

Developed by the PNGAS Education Advisory Council, the “Guard-Friendly School” standards recognize high schools, colleges, universities and trade schools that create a supportive learning environment to assist members of the Pennsylvania Guard and their families in pursuing post-secondary degrees.

PNGAS is a non-profit organization that supports the men, women and veterans of the National Guard, their spouses and families. It is not associated with or legally connected with the Pennsylvania National Guard, the state or federal government, the United States Military or the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

Information on LCCC’s veterans programs: Ariel Van Dam, avandam@lccc.edu; 610-799-1545