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Sheckler News: Check out Facebook page for latest on activities

Visit Sheckler Elementary School’s Facebook page to see pictures of Mrs. Kotran’s fourth-grade Baking Club mixing up some delicious chewy brownies.

You can also view videos of kindergartners honoring custodian Bob for Veterans Day.


Reminder: Sheckler Elementary will have early dismissals Nov. 17-23. Students will be dismissed noon for parent/guardian-teacher conferences. No meals will be served.


Thanksgiving break will take place Nov. 24-28. Students will resume normal schedules Nov. 29.


Catasauqua Borough’s tree-lighting ceremony will occur Dec. 4 at the municipal park, 501 American St. Cattykindlmarkt will run 1-4 p.m., and Santa will be stopping by 5 p.m.

There will be vendors, crafts, games, raffles and a concession stand available. All proceeds will go to support the community parks.


Sheckler’s lost-and-found section is overflowing with students’ clothing items that are waiting to be claimed. Photos of the missing items have been posted to the school’s Facebook page, and parents/guardians are encouraged to take a look to see if any items belong to their child.

The lost and found can be found outside of the school’s front office.