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East Allen delays grant request

At the Oct. 27 East Allen Township Board of Supervisors workshop meeting, the board heard a recommendation to approve a resolution to submit a Department of Environmental Protection recycling grant for $385,000.

The grant would pay for a vehicle to collect brush throughout the township. Because the population is more than 5,000 residents, there is a DEP regulation mandating compulsory brush pickup by the township.

Supervisors are concerned one vehicle is not enough and will lead to the purchase of another that might not be grant funded. Inadequate pickup coverage may generate resident complaints.

Township Manager Brent Green suggested the township “look at the economics of this if we are not ready to move.” This is a yearly grant the township could apply for next year. The board tabled the recommendation for now.

In other business, a gentleman gave an overview of a recent Farmlands and Open Space Preservation Committee effort.

He said a recent meeting of the committee was well attended, and the committee’s plan is moving forward with an expectation it may be in place by January 2023.

“We have a lot of momentum for preserving open space,” Green said.

The board approved resolution 2022-23 to submit a grant application to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for $1 million to help fund a basketball court, improved lighting at the park, a new pavilion, a new playground, increased parking and a new bathroom at the Jacksonville Parkway.

Finally, the board approved a request for a waiver from SALDO requirements for a resident who wants to combine two lots into a one-lot property, based on the township planning commission recommendation. The board approved the waiver conditionally.