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Letter to the Editor: League of Women Voters encourages you to plan for Nov. 8

To the Editor:

November will be here before you know it, and that means the Nov. 8 general election is right around the corner.

Every election is important, and this one will decide who represents us in both Washington, D.C., and in Harrisburg.

We are electing the decision-makers who will be representing our views. Make sure you know for whom you are voting; how will they represent you; do they align with your values? Make sure to “see” through the campaign literature and social media and find out who they are and what views they hold and how that affects your life.

You can also attend a debate and watch for yourself, and maybe a question you submit will be asked. Check the League of Women Voters website for dates and locations at lwvlehighcounty.org.

Whatever you do, plan your vote and cast your vote in whichever way is most comfortable and convenient for you. Mail-in ballots and absentee ballots are safe, and they are secure.

And don’t forget these important dates and actions:

• Check that your registration is valid. Have you changed your address? Now is the time to check and update.

• If you are not registered, you have until Oct. 24 if you want to vote in the Nov. 8 election.

• You must request a mail-in or absentee ballot no later than Nov. 1.

• Check your polling place; make sure it has not changed.

You can find answers to many of these questions and learn about the candidates on your ballot by going to the League of Women Voters online source of information at vote411.org.

Mark your calendar and just make sure you vote Nov. 8, in person or by mail-in or absentee ballot. They are all safe and secure. And remember: “Voting is your superpower!”

Mary Erdman and board members

League of Women Voters, Lehigh County