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Penn State Extension offers ‘Your Money Matters’ webinars

Penn State Extension-Lehigh County is offering a webinar series titled “Your Money Matters.”

The topics include developing a budget, setting money goals, credit cards, debt management and identity theft. Anyone interested in developing a healthier relationship with money, building a realistic spending plan and working toward financial goals will benefit from this webinar series.

“Your Money Matters” is a five-part webinar series that will help you develop the skills you need to manage, save and safeguard your money. Each webinar is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., so you can lunch and learn.

The cost of the five-part webinar series is $10.

“Your Money Matters: Developing a Budget” is Sept. 19. Budgeting is the foundation of a healthy relationship with money. This webinar will discuss the process of creating a plan to spend and invest your hard-earned money wisely to meet your personal and financial goals in life. A realistic budget allows one to meet his or her needs and many of his or her wants while still saving for the future.

“Your Money Matters: Setting Money Goals” is Sept. 26. Goal setting is a road map to success with a higher level of financial security, freedom and literacy. Without a financial destination or a plan, we often find ourselves on convoluted paths toward meeting our needs, our desires and our dreams. This webinar will help keep you focused when making decisions about how you allocate your money. Clear goals allow us to celebrate accomplishments and the small steps taken toward goal achievement.

“Your Money Matters: Credit Cards” is Oct. 3. Credit cards are powerful financial tools, especially for building a credit history. However, they may cause consumers to spend more than what is allowed in their budget. Credit cards can create the illusion of free money. Join this webinar to learn how to manage credit cards wisely to maintain financial health.

“Your Money Matters: Debt Management” is Oct. 10. No matter what someone’s level of debt is, there are many strategies and resources available to control the pattern and get back on a path of financial wellness. This webinar will discuss these strategies. Over-borrowing money can be a downward spiral into financial despair if not caught and controlled. Financial stress can take a toll on one’s physical health, relationships and overall well-being.

“Your Money Matters: Identity Theft” is Oct. 17. Identity theft can wreak havoc with one’s credit and good name. New scams pop up all the time, and staying ahead of fraudsters is one sure way to avoid becoming a victim. Even so, many people still find their accounts have been hacked or that someone opened credit using their personal information. Join this webinar to learn about protecting your identity, monitoring accounts and responding promptly to erroneous transactions to help keep us financially safe.

To register, visit extension.psu.edu/your-money-matters-a-series-of-financial-fundamentals by Sept. 19.

If you cannot register online, call 1-877-345-0691 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.

For questions regarding the “Your Money Matters” webinar series, contact Denise Continenza at 610-391-9840.