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Beware of red-light dangers

The Coplay Neighborhood Crime Watch is asking drivers to show respect for red traffic lights.

Although there is only one functioning traffic light in Coplay, it is at a critical location. Running that light can result in a significant accident due to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

The borough did have a person hit by a car in the past with numerous near misses at that busy location.

The Coplay crime group added a safety alert Aug. 1 about the dangers of running red lights.

Stop on Red Week was Aug. 2-8 this year. The week is sponsored by the National Coalition for Safer Roads, and the week was used to bring greater awareness to the number of and severity of street intersection crashes.

Visit ncsrsafety.org for more information about the National Coalition for Safer Roads.

According to data from the National Safety Council, motor vehicle deaths hit a spike of 24% in 2020 despite a reduction in miles driven. Many drivers could be tempted to engage in unsafe driving behaviors such as speeding, skipping red lights or illegally passing other motorists if they’re running late for work or a meeting.

Other risk factors include not wearing a seat belt or driver distractions such as phones and GPS use. With 56% of drivers admitting to skipping a red light at least part of the time, this is a critical message to reiterate.

Be safe out there and save a life! It could be your own and/or a family member.

The Coplay Neighborhood Crime Watch was founded in 2004. The group operates an email touch-point only.

If you want to receive emails about safety tips or safety alerts from the Coplay Neighborhood Crime Watch, send an email to billleiner@aol.com.