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Coplay: Saengerbund to hold Ricky and the Rebels concert Aug. 5

Upcoming entertainment at the Coplay Saengerbund, 205 S. Fifth St., will include Ricky and the Rebels Aug. 5, Uncle Smiley Aug. 12, Doubting Thomas Aug. 19 and Trick Stacey Aug. 26.

Doors open 5 p.m.


St. Peter Roman Catholic Church, 4 S. Fifth St., will hold its 68th annual picnic noon-9 p.m. Aug. 7.

The event will feature food, beverages, adult drinks, kids’ games and more. Entertainment will be by Emil Schanta Band and Flirtin’ with the Mob.

Bring your lawn chairs.

All are welcome.

Volunteers are needed. Call the church office at 610-262-2417.

A large basket stand is planned for the picnic. Call 610-730-4655 to donate.


The Twilight Concert Series continues at Community Plaza, North Second and Chestnut streets, with Third Hand Trio Aug. 17, the Castaways Aug. 31 and 2 Pints Sept. 7.

These free concerts run 6-9 p.m.


Crafts are returning Aug. 27 to Coplay Community Days.

The deadline to reserve a table is Aug. 7.

Contact Tiffany at the borough office at 610-262-6088.


St. John’s Lutheran Church is planning to sell food - including barbecue, cabbage and noodles, clam chowder, hot dogs, ice cream and drinks - at Community Days Aug. 26-28, and the church is seeking volunteers.

Contact Nadine to volunteer at 610-393-4115.


Parkway Pool’s August hours are set for noon-7 p.m.

The popular Aqua Zumba classes continue 6-7 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday.


The Coplay Scholarship Fund Committee’s 2022 scholarship program is accepting applications for two $500 scholarships for high school seniors residing in Coplay who plan to attend a college, university, technical school or police academy.

To apply, email billleiner@aol.com for an application.


Coplay Food Bank is open 8:30-10 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. The food bank is located in the lower level of the municipal building, 98 S. Fourth St.

If unable to attend the Tuesday-morning time frame, call Jodi at 610-262-0928 to make other arrangements.


American Club of Coplay has restarted its monthly hoagie sales.

Options include regular or tuna hoagies or ham and cheese or tuna sandwiches.

Call 610-261-2884 to order, or order online via email to the americanclub@rcn.com.


Coplay Athletic Club is under new management and is seeking new and renewal members.

The gym is located on the second floor of the municipal building.

A gym membership costs $90 per year and $80 for renewals.

Email coplayac@gmail.com for membership information.


The Coplay Senior Citizens group meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month.

Contact Dale at 610-262-5464 for information.


To have an announcement or to share something in this column, email billleiner@aol.com or text 610-751-2745.