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Walk to End Alzheimer’s in our lifetime! Volunteers are needed 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sept. 24 at ArtsQuest in Bethlehem to assist with registration, children’s activities, and general set-up and clean-up. Photographers and walk route guides are also needed. Minimum age 14. Contact Lori Wehr, 215-399-9219, lowehr@alz.org.

Parking Lot Fundraiser during Musikfest. Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering needs volunteers 4-7 p.m. and/or 7-10 p.m., weekdays, August 5, 8-12, to complete monetary transactions and direct traffic flow in the parking lot across from Trinity UCC, 81 E. North Street, Bethlehem. Minimum age 14 with adult. Volunteers must complete a volunteer application form and COVID-19 Waiver to serve. Contact Maria Shior, 484 602-5505, volunteers@bethlehememergencysheltering.org.

Celebrating 42 years, the Museum of Indian Culture invites you to Pennsylvania’s oldest Native American Indian festival. The Roasting Ears of Corn festival is scheduled for August 20 and 21, 2022. Areas of need are food stand, parking lot attendant, children’s activity area, trash attendant, floater, kitchen food prep helpers & clean-up staff. 4-hour shifts. Minimum age 16 with adult. Contact Pat Rivera, 610-797-2121, info@museumofindianculture.org.

INTERPRETERS WANTED to volunteer for The Whole Life Center food pantry in Easton. Distribution days are the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. A variety of Latino and Middle Eastern dialects would be very helpful. Volunteers would assist with filling out forms and work with our front desk to help understand and properly meet the needs of the people. Adults only. Contact Donna Lavin, 610-746-6405, donna@wholelifectr.org.

Bilingual Volunteers Needed. Help Make an Impact! The American Red Cross is seeking bilingual volunteers to serve in the Allentown and Lehigh Valley community in a variety of ways including - recruit other bilingual volunteers, translation assistance, respond to local emergencies like home fires and floods to provide comfort items and financial assistance, and assist with casework for families and children who’ve experienced an emergency like a fire or flood. Contact Danielle Dietze, 570-202-7954, danielle.dietze@redcross.org.

Volunteer Center to receive a brochure listing agencies in need of volunteers at 610-807-0336 or e-mail: vc@volunteerlv.org. Visit our website www.volunteerlv.org for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities.