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Departing South Whitehall planners honored


Special to The Press

At the South Whitehall commissioners meeting on June 1, William H. McNair received a distinguished service award in recognition of his 24 years of service from 1998-22 to the township planning commission, zoning hearing board and environmental and pollution advisory boards.

“You have shown such outstanding commitment to our township and have been an example and inspiration for us all,” Interim Township Manager Randy Cope said. “Therefore, it is with great pride and appreciation the board of commissioners and township staff hereby present this token of our gratitude.”

Alan Tope was recognized with a distinguished service award for 42 years of stellar service to the township.

He served on the public safety commission from 1980-82 followed by service on the planning commission from 1980-22, showing outstanding commitment to the township.

“You have truly been an example and inspiration to us all.” Cope said.

In other matters, commissioners approved a resolution amending the building addition at 4815 Crackersport Road.

The client’s representative Chris McLean said he would not request a waiver for the sidewalk.

Planning commission member Brian Hite commented on the issue.

“I live just west of this location, and I have some comments, Hite said.

“There’s a lot of pedestrians using this road right now from Route 309 to the warehouses that are all fully leased.

“Anytime you can get a pedestrian off the road, it’s a safer situation, especially with large vehicles.

“The trucking company is expanding. You’re getting more trucks in there.

“Also, the pandemic has shown that people want to get out and walk.

“You want to do it safely. I see people walking on the sidewalks that are built at the warehouse all hours in the night.

“Because rather than sitting in a break room with people you don’t really want to work with, you want to take a break and they’re out walking. I think as a walkable community, we can be a forerunner of what a township should be.

“I think we’ve deferred sidewalks way too long. It’s great we have a policy to let’s not waiver in that department that unless it’s a unique situation. So especially at a LANTA bus stop on Route 309. There are employees who walk down Hausman Road.

“Anytime you can get a pedestrian off the cart way of the road it’s a safer situation for everybody involved.”

The motion was tabled to allow staff to further develop a process.

The final resolution was designating approximately 26 acres of land along Springhouse Road the “Davis-Smith Open Space” to recognize the residents who donated it.

Commissioners asked if the word “preserved” could be added to describe the property.

There will be a request made to the owner to amend the resolution, which was approved.

PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCH Alan Tope, center left and William MacNair, holding plaques, were recognized by South Whitehall Commissioners Brad Osborne, Monica Hodges, Mike Wolk, Diane Kelly and David M. Kennedy. Also attending were Gregg Adams, Dave Manhardt and Interim Township Manager Randy Cope.