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4-H Cooking camp on July 18

Youth, ages 5-18, are invited to join the 4-H Cooking Summer Day Camp 8:30-11:30 a.m. July 18-22 at the Lehigh County Ag Center classroom with a kitchen, at 4184 Dorney Park Road, South Whitehall.

Campers will learn about kitchen skills, food safety and nutrition.

They will learn how to participate in a food cooking challenge competition and be given the opportunity to make one recipe each day (strawberry salsa, apple pancakes, etc.).

Join them as they meet in the Lehigh County Ag Center with a 4-H staff member to work alongside the youth during the camp.

Lehigh County 4-H will supply the ingredients for those joining in person.

Registration for day camp is free, after paying the 4-H Enrollment fee by July 8.

Register in the Lehigh County 4-H Summer Cooking “Club” on the registration portal at 4h.zsuite.org.

“Event” registration is for virtual participants only.

Directions are provided, and they welcome questions at 610-391-9840.