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Age 5-11 booster available at LVHN

Families can now schedule Pfizer-BioNTech booster shots (fourth vaccine doses) for moderately and severely immunocompromised children age 5-11 at least three months after their third dose.

The booster dose is separate from the initial vaccine series for this group of children, which includes three initial shots given over a period of seven weeks.

Boosters are important for children with weakened immune systems, as they are often more at risk than others for contracting COVID-19 and becoming severely ill.

If a parent or guardian isn’t sure if a child is immunocompromised, it is best to contact a pediatrician for guidance.

The most common side effects of the booster shots are mild and resolve within a few days. They include: pain, redness and swelling at the injection site; fatigue; headache; muscle or joint pain; chills, and swollen lymph nodes in the underarm.

Vaccines and boosters for children in this age group are available by appointment at Lehigh Valley Health Network’s (LVHN) five vaccination clinics in Hazleton, Pottsville, East Stroudsburg, Easton and Whitehall.

Some Lehigh Valley Physician Group (LVPG) Pediatrics practices offer COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters. Check with the child’s health-care provider’s office for COVID-19 vaccine availability.

To schedule booster and initial vaccine series appointments for children in this age range at either the vaccine clinics or participating practices:

1. Go to MyLVHN. Sign In or Sign Up. Proxy access to a child’s MyLVHN account is needed to schedule through the patient portal. If you do not have proxy access, contact the child’s health-care provider. If the child does not have an LVHN provider, call 888-402-LVHN (5846).

2. Call the COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline: 833-584-6283 (833-LVHN-CVD), 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday

Vaccination information: www.LVHN.org/vaccines