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Hokendauqua: Congrats, fishing contest winners!

Winners have been announced for the youth fishing derby, which was held May 28 at Hokendauqua Park. Congratulations to the following kids in their respective category.

Biggest fish: Tyler Limandri, 6.95 pounds

Age 6 and under: Charlotte Brewer, first place, 2.18 pounds; Ella Dragovits, second place; Dylan Dragovits, third place

Seven to 9 years old: Marcus Gower, first place, 2.22 pounds; Greyson Dolan, second place; Ava Campbell, third place

Ten to 12 years old: Chase Brown, first place, 1.73 pounds; Reese Savercool, second place; Rocco Fonzone, third place

Thirteen to 15 years old: Tyler Limandri, first place, 6.95 pounds; Luke Bristow, second place; Braden Ball, third place


Whitehall Area Chamber of Commerce, Whitehall Township and Whitehall Historical Preservation Society are organizing the first-ever Whitehall Heritage Fest, scheduled for 1-5 p.m. June 25 on Mickley Road.

The festival will feature local vendors, live music, family activities, historical re-enactments and more.

For information, visit lehighvalleychamber.org.


Reminder: Hokendauqua Park and Playground Association will continue to hold summer basketball Skills and Drills nights, for boys and girls in kindergarten through eighth grade, 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays in July and August at Hokendauqua Park, 3417 Lehigh St.

Boys will play the first and third Wednesdays, and girls will play the second and fourth Wednesdays.

For information on boys basketball, email Matt Shultz at boysbasketball@hokeypark.com; for information on girls basketball, email Todd Dunbar at girlsbasketball@hokeypark.com.


Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church will hold its Vacation Bible School Aug. 1-5, starting 6:30 p.m.


Email me your Hokendauqua events or news at skoch@tnonline.com by July 1 to meet the deadline.

Happy Fourth of July!

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Local youths who participated in the annual fishing derby, held May 28 at Hokendauqua Park, join Tony Cocca, Whitehall Township recreation director, to celebrate a successful contest.