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CWSA approves bid for manhole project

During the May 19 Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority monthly meeting, held at the CWSA building, 3213 MacArthur Road, General Manager Matt Harleman reported bids have been received for the manhole rehabilitation project, with PIM Corporation coming in with the low bid. Harleman suggested accepting the bid, so a motion was made and approved to accept the $77,117 bid from PIM for the 2022 manhole rehab project.

Harleman also reported the invoice received for treatment services showed an overpayment by CWSA of $210,000, which will be applied to the first-quarter billing.

Temporary roofing fixes were done, according to Harleman. T&M Associates informed Harleman the roof replacement documents will be ready in two weeks.

Meter station upgrades were recently completed with back-end computer integration yet to be done.

The recent drive failure at one station has a pump running in bypass, Harleman reported. Envirep is expected to reinstall the equipment soon.

Secretary Assistant James Roth was questioned on the sale of excess solar panels to be put on Municibid. The motion was made and approved.

Secretary Paul Geissinger questioned the retention of the CWSA recorded meeting minutes. Board members concluded the recordings are held indefinitely, but the printed copies of the meeting have legal precedence.

A motion was made and approved for the $24,676 cost for the necessary software upgrades on television computer trucks. The motion was approved.

PRESS PHOTO BY JIM WEBER Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority General Manager Matt Harleman; Anita Smith, business manager; and Andrew Schantz, CWSA attorney with Davison and McCarthy law firm, are ready for the May 19 CWSA monthly meeting.