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LCCC: Clay Shoot benefit

Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) hosts the 18th Annual LCCC Foundation Scholarship Clay Shoot, June 17, Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays, Coplay.

Registration, which is open to the public, includes 100 rounds of clay shooting, shells for the event, continental breakfast, awards and a pig roast lunch. Participants receive a commemorative souvenir and may purchase extra tickets for more chances for prizes and mulligans.

Title Sponsor is Roth LLC Architect & Planners.

Proceeds benefit students in LCCC workforce programs, advanced manufacturing, CDL, trade and certificate training and active military or veterans.

The LCCC Foundation Scholarship Clay Shoot has provided more than $250,000 in Foundation scholarships to LCCC students since 2004.

Information and to register: Jane Wilchak, jwilchak@lccc.edu; 610-799-1929