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Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority holds 2021 review meeting

The Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority 2021 review meeting was held April 21.

The meeting kicked off with Liesel Gross, CEO of Lehigh County Authority, and Phil Dopoe, LCA senior planning engineer, presenting their aggressive Act 537 source reduction plan at the Kline Island sewer system. The study determined the site experienced over-usage last year.

Fifteen local municipalities, including Whitehall and Coplay, will be monitored for infiltration. The monitoring, called weiring, is to be done between midnight and 6 a.m. in August.

CWSA General Manager Matt Harleman reported on four new business items: the VFD failure at the Eberhart Station is covered under warranty, and there will be no $12,000 charge; the approved CWSA building roof work is to be scheduled soon; CWSA will return escrow to Yavorski Builders for the Roosevelt view project; and bidding was to begin April 28 for the 2022 manhole rehab plan.

A letter to CWSA with a $72,000 bid to do infiltration weiring, in compliance with Act 537, in CWSA basins was received. The motion to do six basins was approved.

Quotes for the new CWSA website from Anita Smith were reviewed. The quote from NA Studios was recommended and approved.

A $20,000 quote from Deifenderfer Electric to supply CWSA parking lot lighting was received. This motion was approved.

Paul Pugielli, from Brown and Brown Insurance, reviewed the insurance status of CWSA. There will be no drastic changes in 2022 with a 2.5-percent cost increase, which is low compared to other clients.

Jeff Dobeck, from Buckno Lisicky and Company P.C., spoke on the still-pending audit being conducted. The delay of the needed pension information is expected in May, and the audit is to be completed in June.

Andrew Schantz, attorney with Davison and McCarthy Law Firm, spoke on CWSA from a legal perspective. Things are reportedly running smoothly.

Mark Buchvalt, civil engineer of T&M Engineering, presented engineering topics, including the Kline Island sewer system study, mapping with Harleman, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Northampton- Cementon Bridge project and the Eberhart Road pump station replacement, with the latter being the one completed item.