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Residents question necessity of pool closure

Borough residents rallied April 20 to question the planned pool closure announced recently. Borough council said lack of funds and trained employees makes opening the pool this summer impossible.

Former Fountain Hill Councilman Mike Zovko proposed a nonprofit citizens committee to oversee management and funding of the Stanley Avenue Pool. This potential committee will meet May 12 at 7 p.m. in Fountain Hill Borough Hall. Zovko had two requests from the council; to rethink the pools’ “death sentence” and to take a second poll about the closing to reach more people. Zovko also mentioned a larger vision for a Fountain Hill-Eastern Salisbury Community Center to be built on the 5-acre site. Councilwoman Jaime Johnson responded, “I hear your call to rescind, and I’d like to see it rescinded as well.”

Borough resident Jason Brandon pleaded with the council to “exhaust all options” when speaking on the pools’ staffing and financial issues. “We can’t just give up, we can’t give up.”

Also speaking at the meeting was borough resident Debbie Spadaccia., who said the American Legion Post 406 sold the land to the borough at the request of the recreation committee on Aug. 24, 1948 “with the agreement that it could never be used for anything but the purpose of recreation.”

Fountain Hill Borough is trying to arrange for pool partnerships with Hellertown and Allentown at resident rates.

Jason Brandon, Debbie Spadaccia, Mike Zovko
Resident Jason Brandon pleads with council to make every effort to open the borough pool this summer. Press photos by Marcus DiGuilio