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Getting ready for prom

The YWCA’s annual pop-up Prom shop opened at the Musikfest Café March 5, where 15 young women and their guests were allowed on the sales floor at a time. Once inside the dressing area, there was a riot of color and sound as the young women tried on dresses and used the mirrors in the aisle to see themselves. Mothers and aunts and grandparents added their opinions as well.

Jewelery, bags and shawls were available, as were free gifts such as raffle prizes, cosmetics, and more.

Over the course of the day, the YWCA sold 300 gowns to 189 teens. The shop was well advertised on social media and through fliers posted in schools. Program Director Jodi Wycherly said, “This year’s sale was a huge success. The YWCA was able to make local teens’ prom dreams come true for just $20.”

Linda Nevins, a member of the prom committee and a seamstress, offers discounted alterations to the YWCA patrons. Her website is www.fitnimage.com

In past years the YWCA has sought donations of gently used gowns, but Wycherly said generous donations from Macy’s and several local bridal shops stocked the event with over 1,200 brand new gowns. The YWCA will be seeking donations of accessories in January and February 2023.

Proceeds go toward storing the remaining dresses and the YWCA’s community empowerment programs. To make a donation, visit www.ywcabethlehem.org

Jillian Petri, 17, Charter Arts. Jillian's mother saw the pop up shop advertised on Facebook, “We knew about it for a couple years; finally it's our turn.”
Alina Keshodkar, 16, Liberty HS. Alina was shopping for her senior prom. She found out about the pop-up shop through her school.
Olivia Evans 18, Lehigh Valley Charter HS for the Arts, theater major.
Aliciana Rosa of Liberty HS visits the shop for the first time and found a dress for her senior prom.
PRESS PHOTOS BY LANI GOINS Nazareth HS student Ashley Faith's family was on hand to help her chose her gown.