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Mayor’s Message: Enjoy warmer weather, stay safe from scammers

Thinking of spring, I want to start by wishing everyone an early happy Easter. I’m hoping the time gathering with your family is enjoyable during this season.

Continuing our journey into warmer weather, I encourage everyone to start thinking about taking time to enjoy the outdoors, where all the real stuff happens. Fresh air, vitamin D-laced sunshine, casual walks, biking - you know the setup.

As a borough, we are so blessed with an array of beautiful parks and recreational trails to accentuate your adventures away from home. The Canal Street Park and the Riverfront Garden projects are blossoming. Soon, you’ll see tree trimmings, along with the preliminary walkway and flower bed layouts. We’ll be working as best as the weather allows, of course, but we’ll steadily move ahead all the same.

Thanks to a Northampton County grant, we received additional funds to expand our D&L Trail-Nor-Bath Railroad marketing and beautification. I am happy to be paired again with former Chamber of Commerce Connections editor Amanda Ruth, expanding the trail’s visibility through a newly established Facebook page.

Filled with an up-to-date calendar of events and photos at Canal Street Park, D&L Trail and Nor-Bath Trail, it’s now easier to plan your outdoor activity along the river trail. You can find the site at facebook.com/norbathtrail. Have fun!

In talking with police Chief Bryan Kadingo, scammers continue to be an unrelenting problem, especially for our seniors. This is nothing new, though the levels to which the scammers are threatening and frightening the recipients are outrageous.

Please be ever vigilant and careful should you receive such a call. The chief stresses to not provide any money or ransom, but instead immediately call the police at 610-317-0808. From there, our police will look into the call to circumvent future problems. Please, don’t be a victim.

Should you want more information as to how you can fight back, please join us at our borough crime watch meeting 7 p.m. April 13. This informational meeting is held in a very relaxed and open forum at our borough fire hall’s meeting room and hosted by Detective Matt Bennicoff and Officer Manny Torres.

There’s always more to learn about fighting and preventing crime in the borough, and we’d love to have you participate. I hope to see you there!