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Bath, state officials recognize service of local law firm

Bath Borough’s motto of “history, nestled with friendship” was on display at the March 7 Bath Borough Council meeting when Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito, council members and state Rep. Ann Flood, R-138th, recognized Spengler Brown Law Offices, and the Spengler and Brown families, for their dedication to Bath history and the friends made over the years.

The law firm was established by Elias W. Spengler. Elias was the Northampton County district attorney from 1952 to 1956. He was a Bath native whose father owned and operated a local feed mill.

Elias graduated from Bath Elementary School in 1928, which had classes to eighth grade. After graduating, he took a bus daily to Bethlehem High School (now Liberty High School), graduating in 1932.

Elias matriculated into Lehigh University, graduating in 1936. He earned his law degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1939. His life journey made a detour when he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.

After the war, Elias opened a law office on Chestnut Street in Bath. Later, he relocated the office to its present location at 110 E. Main St., Bath. In 1977, Elias’ son, Daniel G., joined the law firm with his father.

Daniel was raised in Bath until fifth grade when his family moved to East Allen Township. He graduated from Northampton High School. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in history from Muhlenberg College in 1972, followed by a master’s degree from Boston College with plans to become an educator.

Daniel experienced a career shift, pursuing a law degree instead. He received his law degree from Villanova University School of Law in 1977. He returned to Bath and joined his father’s law firm.

He continued to labor in his father’s law office until Elias passed in 1989. Daniel remained in a solo practice until 2021 when Steven D. Brown joined the law firm.

In an interesting aside, Brown’s spouse, Helene Kosciolek, is a native of Northampton and a close friend of Daniel’s daughter since high school. They were at each other’s weddings so, in a way, it is “all in the family” at Spengler Brown Law Offices.

In other matters, borough Councilwoman Phyllis Andrews gave her environmental steering committee report. The committee is reviewing the sanitation contract.

Andrews said there is a yard waste drop-off for Bath residents at Fireman’s Field April 9. Visit bathborough.org for additional information.

Council Vice President Frank Hesch, in his Nazareth Area Council of Governments report, said the comprehensive plan is nearing completion.

Council began consideration of two efforts to amend ordinances. Ordinance 2022-720 to be amended is the law for vehicles and traffic ordinance. The amendment is to update the uniform traffic regulations, relocating a loading zone in front of 225 W. Northampton St. and creating no-stopping zones.

The second ordinance up for amending is 2022-721. This is an ordinance amending the property maintenance code eliminating the board of appeals process, requiring appeals before the magisterial district court.

Both planned ordinances are under consideration for possible advertising. Contact the borough office to request a copy of the proposed ordinance changes.

The next borough council meeting is 6 p.m. April 4 at borough hall, 121 S. Walnut St., Bath. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit the borough website for the call-in number and access codes to participate virtually.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Daniel Spengler and Steven Brown receive a certificate of appreciation from Bath Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito for Spengler Brown Law Offices' long service to Bath. The presentation was held March 7 during the borough council meeting.