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Coplay playground closed for equipment removal

At the March 1 Coplay Borough Council workshop meeting, Paul Boyle, public works director, noted the Saylor Park playground will be closed for at least the next seven to 10 days as the staff begins to remove the old playground equipment. This will then be followed by the installation of the new playground equipment.

Councilman Rick Kern indicated there is currently a 14- to 18-week delay in the production of playground equipment. This will not affect the borough park project, since the equipment is already purchased and ready for installation. However, this delay will impact the improvements that will be made to the tot lot. Right now, the hope is the tot lot equipment will be available for installation by fall.

Councilman Charles Sodl thanked Boyle for his commitment and efforts to complete the many tasks he tackles each day.

Police Chief Vincent Genovese requested council review the current dollar amounts for certain fines within the borough.

An increase may be needed in some cases, as some dollar amounts are quite low, he said. As an example, he cited the fee for parking in a snow emergency-designated area is only $15.

The Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley will hold the 13th annual Ready, Set, Gold 5-K Walk, 8-K Run and Kids’ Fun Run on the Ironton Rail Trail Sept. 10. The foundation is asking council to waive the fee for the rental of the pavilion. This will be voted on at the regular meeting slated for March 8.

Another topic of discussion was the current wage for lifeguards at the Coplay Pool. Recently, Councilman Mark Molitoris, who leads the recreation committee, noted the average pay for lifeguards in the area is roughly $11 per hour. The lifeguards at Coplay were being paid $9 per hour.

Council is slated to vote on the increase of the lifeguard wage and the salary of the pool manager at the March regular meeting. Also, council will then vote on the date to open the pool for the 2022 season, expected to be June 17.

Molitoris also noted the pool fence may be painted before the season opens by a group of area Scout troops.

Council members discussed the possibility of selling the borough-owned house and property at 38 S. Fourth St. A recent appraisal determined the market value of the property is $150,000.

Councilwoman Janet Eisenhauer announced Coplay Public Library is still in need of a library director, one part-time employee and one board member. She also informed council the library will hold its annual book and bake sale April 1 and 2.