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Garden club honors members with Laurel Awards

The Parkland Garden Club’s 2021 Laurel Awards were handed out by President Brenda Aubert at the club’s annual Christmas banquet on Dec. 14, 2021. Debra Gault, Tom Campbell, Sue Weber and Marsha Chowdhury, all received Laurel Awards in recognition of their service to the club.

Gault has chaired the Memorial Books and co-chaired the Library Potting Group.

She has served as the club’s yearbook chairwoman for the last two years.

Gault actively displays her gardening talents through her design ideas for the Christmas banquet and has led floral workshops for club members.

She is a dedicated member who gives much of her time and talent to the club.

Campbell is one of the invisible workhorses of the garden tour committee.

He and his wife, Barbara, chairwoman of the garden tour committee, visit possible gardens for the tour.

Campbell types the presenters’ garden descriptions for the tour ticket/booklet and he works behind the scenes to make sure the club has the best route to the gardens on the tour.

He has been drawing the map for the tour booklet for the past 21 years.

On the day of the event, he is the go-to person for any problems that may arise.

He has helped make the annual garden tour the success that it is.

Weber has been a member of the garden club since 1969.

She has served the club in many capacities, including president of the club twice, for which she has a lifetime membership. and as the first and second vice presidents.

She is a member of the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania and has chaired flower shows, programs and publicity, and as the scholarship chair, interviewing candidates since 1990.

Also since 2000, Weber has led the Parkland Garden Club as parliamentarian, making sure proper procedures and work are kept and are within the bylaws.

Chowdhury is a very dedicated member of Parkland Garden Club.

She has served as vice president and corresponding secretary.

She currently serves as recording secretary taking the minutes at both the board and general meetings.

Chowdhury also is co-chairwoman of the historian committee.

She has spent a lot of time at the storage unit, making sure club records are in proper order.

“We thank them for sharing their time and talents with the Parkland Garden Club. Congratulations,” Helen Papathanasiou, with the Parkland Garden Club, said.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY PGC Parkland Garden Club President Brenda Aubert presents Debra Gault her Laurel Award at the club's Christmas banquet on Dec. 14, 2021.
President Brenda Aubert with Tom Campbell, recipient of a 2021 Laurel Award.
Sue Weber (right) accepts her 2021 Laurel Award from Parkland Garden Club President Brenda Aubert at the club's Christmas banquet on Dec. 14, 2021.
PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY PGC Marsha Crowdhury (right) accepts her 2021 Laurel Award from Parkland Garden Club President Brenda Aubert.