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CMS News: Congrats to Catasauqua Middle School Students of the Month

Congratulations to the Catasauqua Middle School November Star Students of the Month. The nominees are Carter Gonzalez, fifth grade; Amaury Sanchez, sixth grade; Kayden Simon, seventh grade; and Hailey Jenkins, eighth grade.

Keep up the good work!


The middle of the second quarter marking period is Dec. 10.


The CMS band will perform 7 p.m. Dec. 15 in the auditorium.


Catasauqua Area School District is offering a special education parent training series 6-7:30 p.m. Dec. 15, with a theme of positive behavior supports. This session will take place at the district administration office, 201 N. 14th St., Catasauqua.

For more information or to register, contact Shelley Keffer at 610-264-5571 or keffers@cattysd.org.


The CMS faculty and staff are currently putting together their favorite recipes for a CMS cookbook.

Use the form sent home with your student to place your order. Return the form, along with cash or check made payable to CMS, by Dec. 20. Expected delivery of the cookbooks is mid-February 2022.

Anyone in the community who would like a cookbook can stop by the school office to order one.

Profits from this fundraiser directly benefit CMS students. Thank you for your support!


There will be early dismissal for students Dec. 23. CMS students will be dismissed 11 a.m.

CASD will be closed for the holiday/winter break from Dec. 24 to Jan. 2, 2022.

Students will return to their normal schedule Jan. 3, 2022.


CMS is seeking two fifth- through eighth-grade yearlong building substitute teacher assignments, at a daily rate of $130. Appropriate certifications are required.

Send a letter of interest, resume and standard Pennsylvania application to humanresources@cattysd.org.


If you have any school news or updates for this column, email the information to sanderson@tnonline.com, and I’ll be sure to include it in an upcoming column.