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Fisher, Strzempak compete in Hershey

It would be an exaggeration to report Conor Fisher came out of nowhere on the Emmaus boys cross country team this year, but not by much.

Heading into the 2021 season Fisher, a freshman, was expected to contribute to the Hornets, but he did more than that last Saturday at the PIAA Cross Country Championships held at Hershey, Pa.

Fisher finished in 17:39, good enough for 116th place overall. The mark improved on his EPC tournament time (17:58) and was seven seconds behind his District 11 3A time of 17:32. Emmaus coach Kami Reinhard described Fisher as “a very humble athlete.”

His teammate, Ethan Strzempak, concluded a fine running career by running a 18:10.2 race for a 174th place. Reinhard said Strzempak “holds incredible potential” and is “an excellent role model” for the team.

PRESS PHOTO BY NANCY SCHOLZ Emmaus cross country head coach Kami Reinhard and runners Ethan Strzempak and Conor Fisher await the start of the boys state championship race.
Conor Fisher