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CWSA discusses Taylor Villas development inspections

At the Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority meeting Oct. 21, General Manager Matt Harleman referenced an email from Chairman John Schreiner regarding CWSA’s inspection of the work done at the Taylor Villas development.

CWSA inspectors were not present when the backfill was done. Therefore, it will need to be inspected by CWSA with costs incurred by the developer.

Harleman also referenced an email from Hanover Engineering requesting that CWSA service a large tract in South Whitehall Township where a new development is being proposed. Although this is the responsibility of South Whitehall, CWSA has always had a strong relationship with township officials, and the board members are proposing a meeting be set up with them.

Harleman presented a map of the Spring Ridge apartments, where one building is experiencing frequent sewer backups. Building L ties into a CWSA line at an odd angle that causes the problem. A plumber hired by Spring Ridge proposed eliminating that section, making a new, more direct connection to the main.

CWSA board members have concerns about Spring Ridge’s contractor doing the work. The recommendation is for CWSA to install a 13-foot tie-in piece with costs deferred to Spring Ridge along with a CWSA inspection.

Harleman reported the generator for the Eberhart pumping station is expected to be done by Nov. 6, with the new fuse box due mid-December.

James Hahn inquired about the CWSA audio system billing. Work is not yet complete, so billing is not done.

Schreiner requested a motion to have a luncheon for a retiring employee, Kathy Demko.

Hahn reported the $1,000 annual CWSA donation will be forwarded to Coplay Cemetery Association, which is experiencing shortages.

Regarding the Northampton-Cementon Bridge replacement/relocation project, CWSA motioned to adopt a resolution to comply with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s latest requirements, including a change in contractors and new deadline dates.