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People say

By Dana Grubb

How concerned are you about supply chain issues and shortages of consumer goods as we head into the holiday season?

“I work at Aardvark and it's been hard to get shoes for customers. We've seen delays in obtaining inventory.” Greg Jaindl Macungie
“I'm concerned in so much as COVID is affecting both wholesale and retail businesses.” Michael Bergstein New Rochelle, NY
“I work in the restaurant business and we've had a hard time keeping supplies in stock. Some customers think it's our fault.” Genesis Allen Allentown
“I'm in pharma-ceuticals and we can't get chemicals and lab equipment that we need.” Xavier Gonzalez Allentown
“Very concerned. We're starting to get our holiday shopping done and trying to do as little online purchases as possible. Everything we've ordered is on back order.” Kallie Ziltz Easton
“Just the holiday season? I work in retail and we've been dealing with the inability to get product regularly.” John Knight Bethlehem