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Hodges for South Whitehall commissioner, says letter writer

To the Editor:

In the upcoming South Whitehall Township board of commissioner election, Monica Hodges’ interests and vision for the township are clear, codified in her “STAR” platform: safety, transparency, accountability and respect.

Juxtaposed, the incumbent candidate has a history of pandering to big development and installing cronies in positions of power.

If you know Monica like I do, she lives her platform, such as organizing a movement to provide much needed toilet facilities for the parks, coordinating park remediation after major weather events, and forming the South Whitehall Concerned Citizens in response to the proposed large-scale development projects supported by the South Whitehall Township commissioners at the time.

Monica possesses a steadfast and tireless dedication to the township. It’s not about politics.

This isn’t merely a feather in her cap or a line item in her resume.

It’s all about her interest in preserving the community to which she has been a part of for decades.

I’m concerned for the future of South Whitehall Township.

Preserving open space, prevention of over development, these are important for quality of life.

I want South Whitehall Township to be a place where my children would want to live.

Let’s make the logical choice and vote in Monica Hodges for South Whitehall Township commissioner.

Steven Silvonek

South Whitehall