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I have something to tell you, you didn’t know.

My computer crashed some time ago.

I didn’t know what to do!

I couldn’t type the words I heard, that I always share with you.

I bought a new computer, and now I’m eager to go.

I have more words inside my head than you will ever know.

I enjoy sharing my words with you, and I know you enjoy them, too.

I have received notes from many of you, telling me that you do!

Thank you all for your kind words. They are pleasing to my mind.

To take the time to write to me, is truly very kind!

I write to spread my love and joy. I express my love for life.

I have been writing now for many years.

There is nothing better than sharing words

that brings pleasure to other’s ears.

Thank you for your kind words!

God Bless!

Shirley Binkley

Cedar View Apartments
