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Allen renews winter pact with PennDOT

The Allen Township Board of Supervisors met July 13 to discuss the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation winter services agreement, as well as trash and recycling services in the township.

Per the agreement with PennDOT, the township performs winter maintenance on Indian Trail, Cherryville, Howertown, Old Carriage, Weaversville, Kreidersville and Seemsville roads in exchange for monetary compensation.

The board had discussed removing Seemsville Road from the contract at the previous meeting since it is the municipal boundary between Allen and East Allen townships. Board members also put forward a few questions and areas they would like clarified.

Township Manager Ilene Eckhart shared information she received from PennDOT. The lane mileage increased to a multiplier of $1,022.23 from the previous $791.75. Also, PennDOT reported there has been no change in what they define as a “storm event.”

Eckhart said she thinks clearer communication is needed to eliminate confusion between the board and PennDOT.

Ultimately, the board voted to renew the contract with PennDOT, keeping Seemsville Road up to West Dannersville Road as it is currently in the agreement.

The board also discussed the trash and recycling services within the township. They reached out to Advanced Disposal, the current hauler, for a one-year contract renewal with a change to eliminate confusion about the collection of bulk items.

In order to renew the contract, approval by both parties would have been necessary. However, Advanced Disposal did not agree to a renewal due to financial reasons. The current contract ends August 2022.

This leads the board to the preparation and solicitation of bids for a new contract with a different hauler. Bid specifications discussed include the amount of garbage being picked up, the length of the contract and how often bulk goods are collected.

Eckhart will prepare bid specifications using what the board discussed, and, following approval from the board, advertise them for solicitation from haulers.

In other business, the board also approved the advertisement of two positions in the township - assistant manager and administrative assistant.

The assistant manager will learn about the position from Eckhart and take over the manager position when she retires in a few years. Eckhart also fills other roles in the township, such as secretary and zoning officer.

Supervisor Gary Behler thinks hiring an assistant now will make the transition between managers smoother. Adding an assistant manager was discussed by the board last year, and funding for this position has been provided through the budget.

The township’s current administrative assistant is part time, and looking to retire shortly, so the board is looking for someone to fill that role as well.

The Allen Township Board of Supervisors will next meet 7 p.m. July 27 at the Allen Township Fire Company, 3530 Howertown Road.