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East Allen Twp. supervisors approve lease of ambulance

At the East Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting March 10, supervisors voted for a lease agreement between the township and East Allen Township Volunteer Ambulance Corps. The ambulance purchase is a 2021 Ford E-450 Type 3 ambulance at a cost of $238,106.

The township will provide liability insurance for the ambulance, with the corps picking up all other insurance and maintenance responsibilities.

The corps is seeking EMTs and a shift supervisor. Visit eatvac.org to apply or call 610-261-9196 for more information.

Township Manager Brent Green reported Bath Borough approached the township to participate in a joint electronic waste collection event to be held at Bath Borough Hall. Green noted Northampton County plans to cover 50 percent of the costs of the recycling event.

Green said the tracking of who drops off electronic waste and payments are murky. Green suggested he revisit the request with Bath Borough to clarify funding questions prior to agreeing to participate in the joint effort. The board agreed.

In a unanimous vote, supervisors approved the purchase of a 260D gallon SealMaster CrackPro sealing machine. The township was awarded a $75,000 grant for the replacement of its 2003 Crafco SS150 crack sealing machine. The total cost of the new machine is $77,996.59. The remaining amount, after the grant, will be paid from the township capital projects fund.

In a series of resolutions, supervisors approved the Wildlands Conservancy for grant writing and administrative services. Permission was granted to Wildlands to pursue grants to assist in developing stream and habitat restoration at Bicentennial Park. Grants under consideration reportedly total $255,000.

Supervisors also approved a resolution that would place a property of 83.41 acres into the township’s agricultural security area. The property, Tax Parcel L6-8-13A, has applied for farmland preservation in the county’s farmland preservation plan.

Most department reports were written reports submitted to supervisors that required no public discussion. Reports are available from the township office.

The open space and farmland preservation committee requested a $2,500 budget to purchase promotional materials, T-shirts and other items to promote farmland preservation in the township. The budget request was granted by supervisors.

The River Central Regional Comprehensive Plan group is seeking input from residents. The group members are asking residents to make their wishes known. The next meeting is planned for May 5. Visit eat.org for meeting details.

The RCRCP is a consortium of municipalities - East Allen and Hanover townships and North Catasauqua, Catasauqua and Northampton boroughs - to develop their first joint comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is a long-term vision that can guide policy within the municipalities and form positive relationships to improve the consortium.