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District News: Virtual college visit March 29

Attention, Whitehall High School juniors and seniors: Moravian College representative Analisha Anthony will be hosting a virtual college visit 4 p.m. March 29. Visit the WHS counseling website at whitehallcoplay.org/Page/3389 and find the College Visits link to attend.


Spring break for the Easter holiday begins April 1 and continues through April 5. School will be back in session April 6.


April 8 is the end of the third quarter for students in Whitehall-Coplay School District.

Report cards will be available April 15 on the parent portal.


Upcoming PSSA assessments are set for April 19-30. Grades 3-8 will be taking the PSSA English/language arts and math tests. Please do not schedule any educational or family trips during this testing window.

Makeup times for the PSSA tests will take place May 3-7.

The school board policy has recently changed to seven allowable days per school year. This represents a decrease from the old policy allowing 10 days. Pennsylvania mandates all students participate in this test.


Camelot for Children is looking for high school teen volunteers to help with summer camp for children with special needs. You’ll be buddied up with a child and simply just have fun with them playing and doing activities.

For more information and registration, visit the counseling website and find the Summer Program Opportunities link.


The School Health Law of Pennsylvania requires all third-grade students have a dental exam. This requirement must be completed before May 1.

Due to the pandemic, the school dentist will not be completing examinations this academic year. At this time, the school is asking for all parents to get this dental examination completed by the child’s family dentist. The district is hoping to resume school exams next academic year, provided they can be safely completed.

Any student whose parent/guardian chooses to have a school dental exam will receive a school dental examination during the 2021-22 academic year.


Whitehall-Coplay PTO PLUS discount cards are still available to purchase for $10. They can be used at the following local businesses to receive a discount when purchasing goods or services: Palace Pizza Bar and Grill, Philly Pretzel Factory, Ferrara’s Pizzeria, Sal’s Pizza, Charles Pizza and Restaurant, The Bacon Strip, Wicked Sweet Bake Shop, Samuel Owens Restaurant and Bar, Educanine Training Services and Hampton Lanes. All cards are valid through Dec. 31.

Proceeds benefit the WCSD.

Visit the district website, whitehallcoplay.org, and follow the link to the PTO PLUS group to order. For questions, email info@whitehall-coplay-ptoplus.com.

Also, check out the new WC PTO PLUS website, whitehall-coplay-ptoplus.com. It is a great resource and gives everyone a chance to see the PTO PLUS volunteers in action!


Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the WCSD. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “WCSD NEWS” in the subject line at least a week before an event.