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LV ACADEMY NOTES The home stretch

We are in the home stretch. Seniors are finishing up their final IA’s, and they are getting ready to start studying for their final exams. Senioritis is kicking in full force, and one of the main things that are keeping our seniors motivated is getting those college acceptance letters.

LVA just opened back up for the high school students, but sadly not that much is happening. Here is what the administrator of LVA’s Mini-THON has to say about what is happening.

“LVA Mini-THON is a club dedicated to raising money for pediatric cancer patients at Penn State’s Hershey Medical Center. The money we raise not only helps fund research into finding a cure, but also helps offset all costs associated with a child’s stay at the hospital. Thanks to efforts from Mini-THONs at schools across the Mid-Atlantic, families at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center never see a single bill from their child’s treatment. LVA Mini-THON has raised over $20,000 FTK (“For The Kids”) since 2017 and we continue to raise more, all in pursuit of a cure.

“Because of COVID, we have not been able to hold our regular in-school and afterschool fundraisers but we are still hosting restaurant fundraisers this spring across the Lehigh Valley. We just hosted a fundraiser at MOD Pizza on Wednesday, and have a fundraiser planned for later this month at the Chick-Fil-A in Whitehall. All of the information for our different upcoming fundraisers can be found on our Instagram @lva_minithon! Give us a follow. If you would like to donate to our cause, the link to donate online can be found in our Instagram bio. Thanks!”

For Student Council, we are getting ready to have a tropical dress down day, and soon we will be starting out “Battle of the Classes Hallway decorating.” Grades will be assigned with a decade and will have to decorate their hall with decorations matching that decade. The best hallway will win a nice surprise.

As for this week, this is all that is going on so far in LVA. To stay up to date with LVA event related news, be sure to follow the Student Council Instagram @lva_studentcouncil. REMEMBER, Wash your hands and wear a mask.