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America is Broken

America is broken!

She’s falling apart.

It continues each day,

It is breaking my heart!

America once was a beautiful place,

But, now, we must be aware

Of who’s in our space.

One must be careful of words one can use.

If others don’t like them,

You could be abused.

Don’t speak of your feelings,

Just keep them inside;

If someone can hear them,

You best run and hide.

America has fallen and can’t get back up!

Too many people who walk down the street,

Just want us all to shut up!

We have two parties in our government,

To create a democracy;

What is happening in government today

Is a pure atrocity!

You cannot speak of your party,

You will be labeled, and branded for life!

It matters not who you are,

Your opponent will add to your strife.

I was taught to vote for the person or party you feel is the best.

And the voters will decide the rest.

If you don’t like the new winner, suck it up!

That’s just the way that it’s done.

Realize in an election, you cannot please everyone!

How can people be so heart less,

And attack those on the other side?

We are all Americans making our choice!

And whoever we pick is our choice to decide!

If your side wins, hooray for you!

If the other loses ... boo hoo!

Neither side should label the other.

Go along with your joy and your cheers.

Go along with your life and be happy,

Throw away all of your fears;

Always remember one thing. my friends,

We will vote again in four short years!

By Shirley Binkley

Cedar View Apartments
