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Me and my computer are

together every day.

Sometimes we do a lot of work;

sometimes we simply play.

I post a lot on Facebook,

for people that I know.

I look at funny videos

that people like to show.

If you’re not feeling happy,

and having a bad day,

Check out the funny videos,

They will chase your blues away.

You can search cats,

dogs and babies, too,

Any one of them

will entertain you.

You can also go on YouTube

to listen to some songs.

If they make you happy,

you can even sing along.

If you have some questions,

go to Google and hit ”search.”

I think they’ll give you answers,

and never leave you in a lurch.

If you don’t know how to use it,

and need to learn right now,

Call one of your grandchildren;

they will teach you how.

It’s frustrating and disgusting

the things we do not know,

about the new technology

that’s everywhere we go.

But thanks to our grandchildren,

(’cause they know everything),

I still have hope that I can learn,

before those church bells ring!

By Shirley Binkley

Cedar View Apartments
