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CMS News: Congrats to February’s Students of the Month

Congratulations to the Star Students of the Month for February. The students are Jayden Soler, fifth grade; Teagan Metzgar, sixth grade; Maggie Marinkovits, seventh grade; and Eulogia Fontane, eighth grade.

Keep up the good work!


Don’t forget to continue with the fun Read Across America spirit week activities. Wear red or blue March 4, and wear pajamas March 5.


School will be closed for a teacher in-service day March 12


Mark your calendar: Daylight saving time begins March 14.


The contactless curbside pickup for lunches is 9:45-10:15 a.m. Thursdays at Sheckler Elementary School. Five days worth of meals will be handed out Thursdays.

Participants should arrive with a clean vehicle trunk.

The schedule is subject to change.


Make sure you are regularly checking the school’s website, cattysd.org/Domain/276, and Facebook page for updates and changes.


If you have any school news or updates for this column, email the information to sanderson@tnonline.com, and I’ll be sure to include it in an upcoming column.