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District News: Discount cards on sale as fundraiser

Whitehall-Coplay PTO PLUS discount cards are still available to purchase for $10. They can be used at the following local businesses to receive a discount when purchasing goods or services: Palace Pizza Bar and Grill, Philly Pretzel Factory, Ferrara’s Pizzeria, Sal’s Pizza, Charles Pizza and Restaurant, The Bacon Strip, Wicked Sweet Bake Shop, Samuel Owens Restaurant and Bar, Educanine Training Services and Hampton Lanes. All cards are valid through Dec. 31.

Email info@whitehall-coplay-ptoplus.com for an order form and instructions on how you can get your card.

Proceeds benefit Whitehall-Coplay School District.

Also, check out the new WC PTO PLUS website, whitehall-coplay-ptoplus.com. It is a great resource and gives everyone a chance to see the PTO PLUS in action!


The state testing window has been announced for grades 3-8.

This year, testing will be April 19-30. Please do not schedule any educational or family trips during this time. Pennsylvania mandates all students participate in this test.

Makeup times for the PSSA tests will take place May 3-7.


Do you have any WCSD news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “WCSD NEWS” in the subject line at least a week before an event.