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A COVID-19 Christmas

Christmas is in the air,

I feel it everywhere.

The bells that ring, the choirs that sing,

The spreading of good cheer.

Unfortunately, it’s not just good cheer that’s spreading;

We have a virus at hand;

It’s spreading fear and sadness,

All throughout the land.

Santa might be late this year, or may not come at all;

He has to be very careful,

So, the reindeer he’ll keep in the stall.

(The sleigh can be drawn by a horse, of course).

He might not bring us presents,

But, I heard he is filling his sleigh.

I believe he is sending us

Hope, love and joy, and,

It soon will be on its way.

It might be a special Christmas this year,

Where everyone stays at home;

But I don’t think that’s a bad idea,

Perhaps, no one will be alone.

So try to be jolly and cheerful.

Have a wonderful holiday,

With prayers, and good wishes from Santa,

It might chase the virus away.

By Shirley Binkley

Cedar View Apartments
