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MAMA’S MUSINGS Murphy finds a friend by Lani Goins

Most of us are familiar with Murphy’s Law: “If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.” COVID-19 could be called “Murphy Finds a Friend.”

I know myself how one problem can be made worse by an unexpected new problem. In the past few years, it has happened over and over. And even as things started getting better, COVID hit. My oldest son, Erick, was laid off for several weeks. Despite persistent efforts, he never did receive unemployment compensation for that time. My divorce and financial settlement were delayed, in part because the courts were closed, and partly because the other party had no incentive to comply.

Sadly, the pandemic shutdowns and the failure of comprehensive government relief have laid bare society ‘s inherent inequities, and created new ones.

I have long felt the worst part of disadvantage is knowing others may not understand unless they have experienced it themselves. Now, even more people are experiencing job loss, homelessness, financial and food insecurity, and isolation.

And too many people have lost loved ones, or are suffering long-term effects from COVID-19.

Would it be too much to ask Murphy to take a vacation? Probably. I don’t think Murphy ever rests!

I do hope that when the pandemic ends, we don’t try to bury all its lessons and move on. I hope as people’s fortunes improve, and the sorrow lessens, we keep in mind those who lost loved ones, and we find ways to address the many societal inequities the pandemic has laid bare.

Murphy will always be around. But the pandemic will eventually end. Don’t lose hope!