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Salisbury sports to begin week of Sept. 7

The Salisbury Township School Board held its monthly operations committee meeting via Zoom Sept. 2.

Secretary of the board Michael Taylor presented the budget time line for the 2021-2022 school year.

Preliminary budget packets will be sent to department heads no later than Sept. 16; however, the district is still waiting on the Pennsylvania Department of Education to supply the Act 1 index for next year, which, according to the PDE website, “is used to determine the maximum tax increases for each tax the school district levies.”

A preliminary budget presentation is anticipated for Jan. 16, 2021, with a deadline for adoption by Feb. 17, 2021.

Following the budget update, Director of Student Activities Monica Deeb gave an update on Salisbury sports.

Deeb said tennis and golf seasons are underway, with a matchup between Salisbury and Saucon Valley in girls tennis yielding Salisbury as the victor 4-1. Field hockey, soccer and football would be the last of the sports to start their seasons with practices and games scheduled the week of Sept. 7.

Deeb said students and staff have been adhering to the safety protocols put in place to guard against the spread of COVID-19, saying when engaged in physical activities, the athletes do not have to wear masks, but whenever they are not, masks are required.

Board members inquired about the ramifications of competing in a league where the different schools are returning to different versions of learning for the fall, whether it be hybrid, five days a week of face-to-face instruction or virtual, that could potentially open athletes up to increased exposure to the virus. Board member Joseph Gnall said student athletes understand the risks they inherit when they step onto a field or into a gym and that is their choice for the “love of the sport.”

However, board member Rebecca Glenister countered if students sustain an injury, that would be one issue, but COVID-19 is a public health and community issue where infection has implications beyond the athlete on the field.

As it currently stands, sports will continue to function within the guidelines set out over the summer to allow students to continue to engage safely in fall sports.

Finally, Director of Facilities William Brackett gave an update regarding construction projects at Salisbury High School.

The turf and field replacement is almost entirely complete, as is the roof, which came in under budget and with little to no weather-related delays. The construction of the cafeteria egress ramp came up against some subterranean issues that would affect the structure when the contractors began digging. After redrawn plans are submitted, the project will continue and Brackett expects the work to be completed before the return of students if they are allowed back in the late fall or early winter.

The next operations committee meeting will be held Oct. 7.