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Salisbury families pick up devices for school

Katy Rodriguez and Carlos Caba drive to Salisbury Elementary School Sept. 2 to pick up devices and supplies for the first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year. PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB
Angie Lopez, Guadualupe Medrano, Karen Benitz and Adali Lopez drive to Salisbury Elementary School Sept. 2 to pick up supplies.
Amani Almir and Zain Alkhateeb are masked and ready to go to Salisbury Elementary School for device pickup.
Carlos and Raphael Pineda are happy to pick up supplies and devices at Salisbury Elementary School Sept. 2.
Christina Achey and Anthony Keller drive to Salisbury Elementary School Sept. 3 to pick up supplies.
Administrative Assistants Mary Bishop and Shannon Rooney are ready to hand out materials and devices to students Sept. 3.
Reading Specialist Heather Cumello, Computer Technician Christina Westfall and Instructional Assistant Kelly Liggitt take the materials from the cafeteria to the outside staff Sept. 3.